Yo Color Palette (Hex and RGB)
The brand color palette for Yo is made up of 10 colors.
Yo Wisteria
Hex: #9b59b6
RGB: 155, 89, 182Yo Cinnabar
Hex: #e74c3c
RGB: 231, 76, 60Yo Studio
Hex: #8e44ad
RGB: 142, 68, 173Yo Mariner
Hex: #2980b9
RGB: 41, 128, 185Yo Buttercup
Hex: #f1c40f
RGB: 241, 196, 15Yo Mountain Meadow
Hex: #16a085
RGB: 22, 160, 133Yo Pickled Bluewood
Hex: #34495e
RGB: 52, 73, 94Yo Curious Blue
Hex: #3498db
RGB: 52, 152, 219Yo Shamrock
Hex: #2ecc71
RGB: 46, 204, 113Yo Mountain Meadow
Hex: #1abc9c
RGB: 26, 188, 156
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