GVB Color Palette (Hex and RGB)
The brand color palette for GVB is made up of 8 colors.
GVB Endeavour
Hex: #0863b5
RGB: 8, 99, 181GVB Supernova
Hex: #fec600
RGB: 254, 198, 0GVB Tangerine
Hex: #f39100
RGB: 243, 145, 0GVB Monza
Hex: #e3001f
RGB: 227, 0, 31GVB Razzmatazz
Hex: #e50064
RGB: 229, 0, 100GVB Affair
Hex: #954a97
RGB: 149, 74, 151GVB Cerulean
Hex: #009ee3
RGB: 0, 158, 227GVB Salem
Hex: #13a538
RGB: 19, 165, 56
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