Social Media Colours – Hex and RGB Colours of the Web

These are the colours that define the social web in 2020. Most of the colours come directly from the logos of their respective brands.

To see more colours from the same website, click “more (name) colours”. If we have missed any social media colours, please let us know in the comments.

900 Social Media Icons for $6

Get 900 Social Media Icons for $6

Facebook BlueFacebook Blue
Hex: #3b5998
RGB: 59, 89, 152
More Facebook colours
Twitter BlueTwitter Blue
Hex: #55acee
RGB: 85, 172, 238
More Twitter colours
TikTok PinkTikTok Pink
Hex: #55acee
RGB: 85, 172, 238
More TikTok colours
YouTube RedYouTube Red (updated 2017)
Hex: #ff0000
RGB: 255, 0, 0
More YouTube new logo colours
182-linkedin-blueLinkedin Blue
Hex: #007bb5
RGB: 0, 123, 181
Instagram Red Orange
Hex: #e95950
RGB: 233, 89, 80
More Instagram new logo colours
WhatsApp GreenWhatsApp Green
Hex: #4dc247
RGB: 77, 194, 71
182-pinterest-redPinterest Red
Hex: #cb2027
RGB: 203, 32, 39
Snapchat YellowSnapchat Yellow
Hex: #fffc00
RGB: 255, 252, 0
Quora BurgundyQuora Burgundy
Hex: #a82400
RGB: 168, 36, 0
Dropbox BlueDropbox Blue
Hex: #007ee5
RGB: 0, 126, 229
182-flickr-pinkFlickr Pink
Hex: #ff0084
RGB: 255, 0, 132
182-tumblr-dark-turquoiseTumblr Dark Turquoise
Hex: #32506d
RGB: 50, 80, 109
182-vk-blueVK Blue
Hex: #45668e
RGB: 69, 102, 142
319-vimeo-greenVimeo Green
Hex: #aad450
RGB: 170, 212, 80
More Vimeo colours
182-foursquare-logo-blueFoursquare Logo Blue
Hex: #0072b1
RGB: 0, 114, 177
Spotify GreenSpotify Green
Hex: #00e461
RGB: 0, 228, 97
Github BlackGithub Black
Hex: #000000
RGB: 0, 0, 0
Behance BlueBehance Blue
Hex: #1769ff
RGB: 23, 105, 255
RSS OrangeRSS Orange
Hex: #ff6600
RGB: 255, 102, 0
Reddit OrangeReddit Orange
Hex: #ff4500
RGB: 255, 69, 0
More Reddit colours
182-googleplus-redGoogle+ Red
Hex: #dd4b39
RGB: 221, 75, 57
Vine GreenVine Green
Hex: #00bf8f
RGB: 0, 191, 143

SEE ALSO: Social Media Vector Logos and Social Media Fonts

Have we missed a website you want included? Please let us know in the comments below!


9 December, 2020

Moved old social networks to the bottom. Added TikTok Pink and full TikTok Color Palette.

2 April, 2017

Added Reddit Orange and a full Reddit Colour Palette.

13 February, 2016

Updated Twitter Blue and added Spotify Green, GitHub Black, Behance Blue and RSS Orange.

1 September, 2015

Added a full Instagram Colour Palette.

31 August, 2015

Corrected Instagram Blue and LinkedIn Blue. Added WhatsApp Green and Dropbox Blue.

9 July, 2014

Added Vine Green and Snapchat Yellow.

17 January, 2013

Added colour for Quora Burgundy.

29 December, 2012

Fixed the colours for Twitter Blue, Google+ Red, Vimeo Green, Linkedin Blue, Instagram Blue, Flickr Pink, Tumblr and Foursquare. Sources were cited for Facebook Blue, Twitter Blue, Google+ Red, YouTube Red, Vimeo Green, Linkedin Blue, Instagram Blue, Pinterest Red, Flickr Pink, Tumblr Dark Turquoise and Foursquare Logo Blue.
